We believe...
...in the reality of a personal relationship with
God through faith in Jesus Christ.
...God exists in three "persons", the Father, His
Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
...God loves us so much that He sent His Son to
die for us so our sins might be forgiven.
...God raised Jesus from the dead. He is
alive today continuing His work on behalf of
and through the Church, His body here on earth.
...those who have faith in Jesus Christ have
"new life" in Him: our sins are forgiven, we are
restored to a "right" relationship with God,
and His Holy Spirit comes to dwell within us!
...in the empowering of the Holy Spirit, who
enables us to attest to the power of the risen
Christ in word and deed.
...in the inerrancy of Scripture; that the Bible is the
inspired authoritative Word of God.
...in the resurrection of the dead; that God will raise
us from death to live with Him forever.
And we believe that Jesus Christ is coming again!